KARIFEST DUCHESS SPEAKS: If We Have To Lose Ourselves And Voices As An Act Of Loyalty, Then That Relationship Mustn’t Be 

Humans differ in many ways. We have our preferences different from those of others just like our faces and thumbnails are different. But in human relationships, sometimes, certain people want us to be or act exactly like them, or have us do things not in alignment with our true nature, just to please or benefit themselves. In the process, we lose our identity and values in an an act of loyalty. Should it be so? Not at all.

The only thing we have to ourselves and should have absolute power or total control over, is our mind or freewill..If anything, going by our thoughts as conceived by others, or relationship(s) with others interferes with our free will, power of reason and control over our choices in a manner not in tune with our conscience, then that thought or relationship is toxic and must be subdued by our freewill, by being our natural selves. 

Today, we live in a world where due to the likelihood of fear of rejection, fear of survival, the quest for riches, the desire to feel accepted, or feel a sense of belonging,, or to belong to the crowd, we see people doing the exact opposite of what’s on their mind. They’d rather resort to self deception, double standard and live in self denial of what should have been. 

My message is clear – WE are not living if we live our lives daily devoid of our free will, just to please others and for what they think or say of us, or just to belong to a particular circle of influence. If you are in this habit of losing yourself to please others, have  a rethink and own yourself – OWN your space – OWN your independence.

Retrospectively, in so many ways, we all are victims of this fear at different times in our lives, and while some continually and constantly live their lives in fear for validation,  many others have summoned the courage to stand up for themselves, to live their truest, greatest life possible, without minding the consequences of not have validations from others, and they are the happier for it. You too can – OWN your freewill. 

However, you cannot win always as human, you win some, you lose some.

With love and respect,

Karifest Duchess Onyekaah.

Advocate + Entrepreneur + Humanitarian + Communicator.

Nov 14th, 2022.

All rights reserved.

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